Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Colson's Birthday!

Colson is 4!!  I can not believe it.  People always say they can't believe their kids are getting so big, but seriously, she's 4 already?!  And she is every bit of 4 these days.  We did a little 'interview' for her birthday:

 1.  Nicknames: Coco, Coconut, Bucket Head, Coleslaw, Slaw, Monkey
 2.  How old are you? 4
 3.  Favorite Color - Pink and purple
 4.  Favorite Animal - Giraffe and horses.  "I do NOT like chickens."
 5.  Favorite Book - Pocahontas Book
 6.  Favorite TV Show - Doc McStuffins
 7.  Favorite Movie - Barbie and the Pink Shoes
 8.  Favorite Food - Daddy's Food (Either PB and honey or PB and nutella mixed in a bowl)
 9.  Favorite Drink - Orange Soda
10. Favorite Breakfast Food - Strawberry Oatmeal
11. Favorite Snack - Peanut butter on a spoon
12. Favorite Game - Leopard and cheetah game with Daddy
13. Favorite Toy - Babies, kitchen, doll house, Barbies
14. Best Friends - Hadley, Kinley, Mia, Kaia, Zoe, Riley
15. Favorite Thing to Do - "Play dress up and show everybody, then put on make-up."
16. Favorite Holiday - All of them!
17. Favorite Thing to Take to Bed at Night - Computer, Barbies, Lovees
18. Favorite Place to Go - Store with treats
19. What do you want to do when you grow up?  "Make dinner by myself.  Help people, make them feel better."
20. What did we do on your birthday?  Opened presents, pancakes for dinner, made cupcakes, had a party the next day

On her actual birthday we just hung around the house and made food for the party the next day.  Jon played in a golf tournament in the morning and the kids took naps while I baked.  Colson had to wait until the afternoon to open her presents.  She wasn't too excited about that, and as soon has Jon walked in the door she asked if she could open them.

 Being 4 is hard work!

 Doc McStuffins!
Her new princess dolls.  She sleeps with them every night now.

One of her favorite meals is pancakes, so of course we had to have pancakes for dinner!  I thought I'd give her an extra treat and make chocolate chip pancakes.  What 4 year old doesn't like chocolate chip pancakes?!  Mine doesn't.....I had to make her plain ones instead. 

The next day was Party Day!  Colson woke up excited and ready for her friends to come over.  It was torture for her to have to wait until the afternoon.  She had a princess party, of course, and lots of kids came dressed the part.  Colson had a special "Party Dress" that she found before I was able to wrap it.  It was a great party with tons of kids.  I struggled to come up with something the kids could do, since renting a bounce house or hiring a face painting princess wasn't really an option, so we colored princess coloring pages and decorated our own crowns/tiaras.  Thank you Pinterest.  I will be cleaning up glitter until we move out though. 

 Decorating cupcakes.

 Doing a little dancing before the party.

Taking a break.

 Connor really enjoyed the pumpkin spice muffins I made.  A little taste of home....

 Trouble.  Man, he seriously needs a haircut.

Colson had a great birthday weekend and is so proud that she is 4!  We are so proud of the little girl she is becoming.  She is sweet, helpful, loves playing with and taking care of Connor, is super cuddly, plays with and talks to her imaginary friends all the time, loves tea parties, dresses, dancing, and her babies.  We love you Colson!  Happy Birthday!!

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