Before we headed back to Angola, we had a few more weeks to cram in as much fun as possible. The kids went to a gymnastics place with some of their BFFs for an hour of gymnastics fun. They had a blast!
Time for pedicures! Colson loves them. I see many a mother daughter pedi day in our future. There is Auntie Ash with her preggo belly in the background.
We had never been to Discovery Green, a really cool area up in town, so we met my sister's friend and her daughter at the splash pad one day. It was so cool! The kids loved it!
Enjoying a little lunch.
Then it was time for Grandmommy, Aunt Becca, Uncle Marcus and cousins Hadley and Owen to come visit for a few days. It was a house full of fun! Colson adores her older cousin, and Connor and Owen are only 6 months apart in age, so you know there is trouble brewing there. They all have so much fun together and it was great to have them visit! We did some swimming, took the kids to the trampoline park, and spent some good time together.
The boys grabbing a snack in the backyard. So serious!
That's a little better.
Enjoying an evening swim.
Admiring their putt, I guess.

The trampoline park! I'm a big fan - the kids get to burn tons of energy and we (I) don't have to be outside in the heat!

Enjoying ice cream at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. Oh I miss Mexican food.....and inexpensive restaurants.....and just restaurants in general.....but I digress.
Silly cousins.
These kids love to dance, so we put on some music and let them go to town!
Colson and Grandmommy
Grandmommy and the crew.
Silly faces!
Before we had to leave we had one more night of friends and the pool.
Hmmm, what trouble can I get into now?
The kids and I had a great summer in Texas, although we missed Daddy lots. Can't wait for us all to be home in Texas again!
On August 18th we said goodbye to Texas once again and boarded the plane to return to Luanda. After a week of getting over jet lag, Colson was ready to start school again. Side note, jet lag is my least favorite thing ever. Colson has this super power where she doesn't really experience jet lag, she just magically adjusts her sleep patterns no problem. Connor on the other hand - it literally takes him a week. And, therefor, it takes me a week, because someone has to get up with him at 2 am when he's wide awake and wants to play. Anyway, this year Colson is in Prep 4 (the 4 year old preschool class). She goes to school from 8-3 every day. Isn't that crazy!? She does great though, and is exhausted by bedtime. Which makes the bedtime routine much easier actually.
Connor giving Colson a good luck hug.
While Sissy is away, Connor will play!!
If you asked the kids what they missed most about Africa, 99% of the time their answer was their scooters. After Daddy, of course. They were so excited to ride them again.
Whew, another month done. Almost caught up...
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